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"Create A Membership Site Business"

(So You Can Make Recurring Income Online)

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Become a member and get immediate access to my FREE  "Course Launch Roadmap."

 Online Course Training Just $37/mo.

Step-by-step Video Training, Templates and Activity Guides to help you find paying customers online. 

Turn your Teacher Talent into a money maker right NOW! 

Here's what you get in the (Name of Your Membership Site):
  • Do you offer any coaching or support?

  • ​Name what your membership includes and how this helps them accomplish their goal

  • ​Example of one of the inclusions and how this helps accomplish their goal

  • ​Example of one of the inclusions and how this helps accomplish their goal

  • ​Bonus #1: List your bonus and how this helps them accomplish their goal

  • ​Bonus #2: List your bonus and how this helps them accomplish their goal

This small investment is going to propel you into the next steps of your business.  Decide today to value the talents you have honed as a teacher and learn how to share your message with the world.  Be a Doer, and access the EduPreneur Project now.  

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Here Is What You Get...

Monthly Access to the Online Course Training

Watch the Online Course Training videos as many times as you like at your own convenience. Peek at a few:

How I Welcomed 26 New Members On My First Launch...
Briefly tell your story and connect with your audience at an authentic level.

What I enjoyed most were the short and actionable videos. They were straight and to the point. Thanks for your help and support, Amber. Truly appreciated it!

Alex N., Houston, TX

Frequently Asked Questions:

"Do I need prior training or significant knowledge of business and marketing?"

No! The Facebook Ad Master Class Series is designed to give you the training and knowledge you need to set up a profitable business based on your teaching talent.

Through my videos, you'll see that I'm here to guide you through how to effectively create a profitable business and share your message with the world. 

The Activity Guides are extremely easy to follow and you can print them or use them on the computer to help guide you through each step of the training.  Each activity guide highlights key strategies for building your business.  

"Do I need to buy expensive resources?"

No! The Facebook Ad Master Class Series shows you how to get your business started without a large budget.  While you should be prepared to invest in your business, you will be able to scale your earnings and results to be able to invest further in your business as it becomes profitable. 

"How will I benefit from the Facebook Ad Master Class Series?"

Your knowledge of business and marking will grow while you are setting up your business using the strategies outlined in the Facebook Ad Master Class Series.   The trainings and activities are all about setting you up to successfully and profitably share your teacher talent with your target market. 

Not only will the training videos help you build your business, but it will walk you through the steps you need in order to grow your business as well.   Each training activity has been specifically designed to create maximum opportunities for you to reach your goals as an edupreneur.  

"Am I ready for the Facebook Ad Master Class Series?"

Yes! You already have the teacher talent.  All you need is the guidance to set up a profitable business.  The Facebook Ad Master Class Series is completely laid out for you.  All the activities are designed to be  easily adapted to suit any niche in the education industry.   My videos outline examples of ways you can adapt the activities easily using the same resources and materials. 
The step by step activity guides also provide support in how to carry out the activities in the most effective ways for your business. They also give information of how the activity relates to specific stages of your business' development.

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